
Me and my walking stick

Meet Little Johnny:


He was given his name by a good friend of mine, who felt it fit perfectly with the pink floral exterior. Little Johnny Walker is friends with Michael Caine, my friend’s little helper.

Johnny is quite shy quite and, unlike Michael, he rarely leaves the house, let alone his corner. Sometimes I have to break out the Mr Sheen and dust him off.

His only proper outing was when a friend of mine frog marched me back to the flat to take him for a walk. He had a lovely time out in the sunshine, but people still didn’t let him sit down on the bus.

He went to work once too, at my old job, to meet the great man who gave him his name and a few other friends too. Everybody loved Johnny. Except me.
Johnny folds up neatly and can sit in my bag, and then burst out and take people by surprise (particularly those who won’t let him, or me, sit down on the bus).

When I visit friends I’m often asked ‘where’s Johnny’, and I tell them again how shy he is. But people don’t believe me, they think I’m the shy one holding him back from a potentially wonderful relationship.

I’m going to the theatre Friday evening, it’ll be dark, and I’ll be tired after a long day of Christmas shopping and lunch with a friend. I’m planning on taking Johnny. It’ll be the first time we’ll have been out together alone. I’ll let you know how it goes…

Karen & Johnny x

4 thoughts on “Me and my walking stick

  1. Hi Karen, your blog is brilliant. I also use a stick……not as posh as johnny, might ask santa for a pretty one! I also hate going out using my stick so avoid at all costs, yet if for whatever reason I don’t use it (having a goodish day, vanity or complete inability to grip anything) friends and family always ask where my ugly accessory is, mostly out of concern. I was once told in the early days of using the stick, twice in as many days might I add, after being asked what was wrong with me and explaining as best as we can that surely at my age (29 at the time) I SHOULDN’T be suffering with something like fms, that’s what older people get. I was gobsmacked and those comments really affected my already low self esteem but let’s be honest as fms fighters we are the masters of disguise. Stay strong and keep up the fight xx


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